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Just Keep Dancing.Org

Presentations to Empower & Motivate

Presentation Skill and Public Speaking Workshop

Based on her soon to be released book entitled, “PODIUM PANIC”, Susan’s “T.O.P. 3” technique can enable anyone to overcome their fear of public speaking, and deliver a “Top Rate” presentation. Tips on: organization, preparation, presentation methods, personal image projection, and Susan’s “FEAR FIGHTERS” empower you to successfully deliver your message.
For more information about "EFFECTIVE PRESENTATIONS" click (HERE)
Gold Bar

Addressing Many Of The Issues That Women Face Today

Susan demonstrates that, after first recognizing, and then compensating for the limits that we unknowingly place on ourselves, it is possible to achieve nearly any level of education, any career, or to attain any life goal that we set our focus on. The audience learns of Susan's experiences and the difficulties that she encountered when, at the age of thirty-three, with a husband, six young children, and a high school education she returned to school with the goal of becoming a secretary. Then she recounts the step by step process that enabled her to successfully change that goal to become an Engineer. Susan's CHANGES presentation inspires and motivates women of all ages and backgrounds to take control of their careers and their lives, and to pursue their dreams
For more information about "CHANGES" click (HERE)
Gold Bar

The Power Of Change

Having been among the 2.5 million American women who were victims of violence each year, Susan provides a strong message of hope in this moving presentation and discussion on domestic violence and the cycle of abuse in which many women feel they're caught. Quoting select excerpts from her award winning autobiography, Just Keep Dancing", Susan describes some of the events of her own life and twenty year relationship and marriage to an abusive spouse, including the encounter that caused her to ultimately realize the power of change by taking control of her life, proving that it truly is never too late to live happily ever after.

5 Steps For Figuring It Out

We all reach points in life where we question our choices, direction, and dreams. Being “downsized”, “unfulfilled”, or “facing retirement” can be your golden ticket to a personal passage to empowerment. Susan's 5-STEP PROCESS brings you to view these crossroads in a new light, enabling you to enjoy the ride.

You Can Do It Too

Susan describes process that she took toward the successful creation and production of her recent book Just Keep Dancing, exploring her decision to self-publish and the process that she followed forming her corporation, Dreamers Tapestry, Inc. Sharing nuggets of experience with the audience, Susan encourages future business owners and authors to also bring their own dream to reality.

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Contact: Susan O. Brauer
c/o Dreamers Tapestry, Inc.
P.O. Box 207
Palos Park, IL. 60464  
ph:  708.361.8017

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